Mutant goat is ‘worshiped like a god’ after being born with ‘human-like’ eyes in India, surprising everyone

A mutant goat is being ‘worshipped as an avatar of God’ after it was born with a flat face and strange ‘human-like’ eyes in India.

The young animal, which has human-like eyes and mouth, was born recently in Nimodia village on the outskirts of Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Owner Mukeshji Prajapap posted a short video of the black goat with a strange face inside his hut earlier this week.

‘Human-faced’ goat is worshipped by locals as an ‘avatar of god’

Young animal, which has human-like eyes and mouth, was born a few days ago in Nimodia village on the outskirts of Jaipur, Rajasthan

Owner Mukeshi Prajapap posted a video of the animal on social media, which appears to have a facial deformity

The goat is seen stumbling around the room and wagging its short tail in the video.

In other snaps it is also seen glaring at the camera and looking away when Mr Prajapap reaches out to touch its scalp.

It may have suffered the facial deformity due to a rare congenital defect called Cyclopia, which usually causes a single eye to form on the forehead.

Goats may be considered a holy animal in India, although Hinduism names the cow, monkey, snake, elephant and tiger among its five holiest animals.

However, goats are named in part of the Vedas, Hindu religious texts, as an animal of importance.

A goat with the facial structure of a human was born in India in 2017, India Today reports. Its nose resembled a human’s and it also had a delicate nose and lips.

Goats may be considered a holy animal in India, but they are not named in Hinduism’s five holiest animals

Goat with ‘human-like’ features found in India

And in the same year a ‘cyclops kid’ with just a single eye was born in the village of Assam, India.

The animal had a single eye, which can happen during fetal development when the brain fails to divide into two parts

The same animal had only one complete ear, a lack of a true nose, eyelids and eyelashes, and unusually small and missing teeth.

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